Hero Inside / 히어로 인사이드
100 Comic Books, 100 Superheores!
Format: 20 episodes x 13 minutes
Target: 9+
Genre: Comic Action
Q4 2023 (LATAM) : Cartoon Network and HBO Max
Q4 2023 (Korea) : 투니버스, 티빙, 카툰네트워크
Q1 2024 (EMEA and APAC) : Cartoon Network and HBO Max
Q3 2024 (North America) : TUBI, ROKU
Q4 2024 (China) : Tencent Video
Million Volt, CJENM, Tencent Video, YGG Global
Sealook / 씰룩
The Tagged Seals
Format: Digital Shorts
Target: All (with the focus on 20-30's)
Genre: Non-verbal Comedy
December 2022 (Season 1) : YouTube
December 2024 (Season 1) : Tencent Video
September 2025 (Season 2) : YouTube
Current YouTube Channel Subsribers: 8.7M
Million Volt, The Pinkfong Company
Dog Days Out / 홈 앤 버튼
When their humans are away, cute and curious pup Holm and his dog pals love to play with their best friends — their favorite toys!
Only on Netflix
Format: 24 episodes x 5 minutes
Target: 5-8
Genre: Non-verbal Slapstick Comedy
Launch: February 13, 2025 / Netflix
Million Volt, CJ ENM
A million more ideas and concepts are in development.
이 외에도 백 만 개의 아이디어와 컨셉을 IP 및 애니메이션으로 기획/개발 중입니다.
"One Million Thrilling Ideas, One Million Stories."
"짜릿한 백 만 가지 아이디어와 백 만 가지 스토리"
Million Volt is
constantly challenging itself to be a creative studio with efforts to provide an always better environment to its artists.
밀리언볼트는 창의적인 스튜디오를 목표로 끊임없는 도전을 하고 있으며, 창작자들에게 더욱 나은 환경을 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
Million Volt aims to
entertain everyone worldwide and to touch hearts with great storytelling through animation.
밀리언볼트가 추구하는 목표는 전 지구인들에게 재미와 감동을 줄 수 있는 애니메이션을 만드는 것입니다.
Are you ready to
embrace the values of working with other artists with freedom and no barriers?
수평적인 의사 표현과 유기적인 소통을 최우선 가치로 삼고
Will you join us
in building the ultimate cradle for creatives?
진정한 ‘창작의 요람’을 만들어 가는 데 동참 하시겠습니까?
Submit your resume / portfolio to:
이력서 및 포트폴리오 제출:
realtrue (at) millionvolt.com
MILLION VOLT CO., LTD. / (주)밀리언볼트
12th Floor, 26 Sangwon-1-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04779, Korea
서울특별시 성동구 상원1길 26, 서울숲A타워 12층 밀리언볼트 (우편번호: 04779)
+82-2-547-1203 / 02-547-1203
E-MAIL / 이메일
Production Inquiry: production (at) millionvolt.com
Business Inquiry: inquiry (at) millionvolt.com